Sunday, February 12, 2012

Grand Exchange: Feb 2012 Investing Tips

Prices across the board on necessities have skyrocketed. Be careful when investing, as they will all bounceback in time. You can 'day-trade' these stocks to make some quick bank, but they are dangerous as most keep rising in value. Soon it will likely plummet, leaving you with a bunch of over-priced fish now worth nothing.

The trick is , they still have value, but their value is proportionate to an index of time. Look below to see what I mean

Back in December I highly recommended Yew Logs as an investment. Here is why. If you were keen to follow the advice, you're reaping the benefits now. Logs have been on the rise all year. 

Another great speciman. Raw lobsters. The price has skyrocketed and is only going up. Im surprising , considering I dumped 200k lobsters yesterday! I could be sitting on millions more right now , had I waited 24 hours. Shame!

I held onto these fish for most of 2011. The price had plummeted when I bought at 225, down to 115. I thought I had lost nearly 20m on it, and was willing to recede with minor damages. Come 2012, and the price jumped nearly 200 gp. All goes to show; everything has value, but value is dependent on time.

Your investments may make you billions 100 years from now, but then it will be worth nothing at all.

Anyway... my investing advice for Feb 2012:

1. Dont invest

2. Only invest in necessary commodities (fish , ore,  logs , runes, etc)


  1. nice profit, but had you held onto them for a few more days, you'd have millions more. look at the price now

  2. how did you get that much gp?
