Monday, December 27, 2010

Runescape; how to use an autoclicker and NOT get banned by Jagex!

Many of you out there have been sending me messages asking if the autoclicker can get you banned. It is a very remote chance that it can happen. Stick to something simple like "MyMouse" or another autoclicker NOT designed for Runescape. All it is doing is clicking. There are a lot of conspiracy theories out there that claim Jagex monitors every pixel you click. That is just ridiculous. There are over 100,000 players daily. You think they're going to back-check every single click and pixel for cheating? Very doubtful.

A much more likely scenario is Jagex having a system to determine if you're clicking in the same spot for an extended period of time.

I did it with my auto clicker, left it running for 30 mins to an hour. Never got busted. Still haven't. But, if you are paranoid Jagex might actually have the brains to implement something like I stated, find an autoclicker that shifts off the main pixel by a few. that will give your autoclicker a more "human" appearance to Jagex and their secret service.

Find a popular place. Like the Seers village bank or the Grand Exchange. Set up the clicker. Let it run!

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