Sunday, December 18, 2011

Grand Exchange: Investing Dec 2011

Dec 2011 Grand Exchange Investment Opportunities

The market is on the rise. Prices across the board on raw materials have skyrocketed since November. Any investor in logs, coal, fish, is probably reaping the wealth (in millions of GP) by now.

For the rest of you laggards, here are my suggestions for investing before the new year.

You're wondering; "Everything is already at high prices. What can I invest in then???" Well, analyze the market and invest in them!

Here is an example of what NOT to invest in:

Mithril Ore on the rise. +15 in today (instant profits for any of yesterday's investors)

Say you invested in 10k of mith ore yesterday. If you sold today, at +15, you would make 150,000 GP. Simply buying and selling the same amount. But right now, with mithril ore +15, I DO NOT recommend investing. It may continue to rise, but at +15 it is a dangerous commodity to invest in. It is currently in the growth stage but has been all month long and we will likely see a fall soon.

Here is an example of a GOOD investment:

Addy ore: down 94 just today. It has entered it's mature stage; meaning if investors do not keep investing, the price is going to fall. At the price that it is, it is a risky investment, but should investors continue to pay interest towards addy ore, you'll make fortunes.

The other recommended item I suggest investing in is : Yew Logs

Yew Logs have been at a steady price for the last 180 days, but are slowly climbing. After catching the market's eye, it will no doubt rise about 50 gp or more, nearing 500 per log. I recommend investing before you're looking at your first yew purchase at 495 a yew log!!!



  1. Great advice. I am banking on mithril ores. 100k left to sell!

  2. yews are going down. great time to invest. THX for the tips

  3. holy shit, nice call!
